UMKC Marketing and Communications Wins 10 CASE Awards


The 世界杯赌场盘口 策略营销与传播 division received 10 awards for excellence in advancement, 校友关系, marketing and communications initiatives and materials from the Council for the Advancement and Support of Education, 也被称为CASE.

The division received 2023 Best of District VI Awards in categories that include advertising, 设计, 杂志, 视频和写作.

 “在世界杯赌场盘口, we are blessed with an immensely talented marketing and communications team who do great work, 日复一日, 向世界分享我们大学的独特故事,安妮·哈通·斯宾纳说, vice chancellor for 策略营销与传播. “今年我们打破了CASE奖项的团队记录. What a great honor to see our team’s excellent work recognized by our higher education peers.”

Here are the following projects that received awards:

Special Events: In-Person (Single-Day): School of Medicine 50th anniversary event


In 2022, the UMKC School of Medicine celebrated the 50th anniversary of the founding of the school and its innovative six-year program that accepts students right out of high school. The UMKC 策略营销与传播 team 设计ed a full suite of materials such as a 50th anniversary logo and videos shown during the gala.


The RoosDo TV spots aim to showcase UMKC Roos who are creating change across 堪萨斯 City and the rest of the world by spotlighting Roos who are bringing health-care solutions to those most in need, 发明改变生活的新技术, dedicating themselves to service and running businesses that employ thousands of people.

Publications: Student Recruitment (Series or Package): First Gen Roo


First Gen Roo is a program that supports first-generation college students at UMKC and helps them navigate the college experience. 策略营销与传播 partnered with the First Gen Roo program staff to create branding and a series of recruitment materials to attract future students to the program.

Videos: Promotional (Short): Community Engagement Video – Clio

这段视频讲述了克里奥的故事, a website and mobile app used across the country to record and preserve history in digital format. 它还分享了它的创造者大卫·特罗布里奇博士是如何做到这一点的.D. 威廉·T. Kemper associate research professor in digital and public humanities at the UMKC, 使用Clio来帮助艺术, 堪萨斯城的文化和历史组织, 在全国范围内, 讲述他们的故事.


We celebrated prominent 堪萨斯 City leader and founder of H&布洛克,亨利,W. Bloch’s 100th birthday with a special celebration to pay tribute to his legacy and a video to honor Bloch and all he has meant to 堪萨斯 City, UMKC和社区. 事件, 在他的生日7月30日, 对社区开放吗, 校友, 教师, 教职员及学生, 以及亲密的布洛赫家人和朋友.

Videos: Fundraising (Flash Campaign/Giving Day): Giving Day 2022

UMKC students shared their stories about the positive impact scholarships have made on their lives and education as part of a video for UMKC Giving Day. 该视频还介绍了密苏里大学堪萨斯分校的校友和捐助者.

Magazines: Alumni/General Interest (Printed Once a Year): Vanguard Volume 6

Vanguard Magazine is an annual research-centered publication that features the latest 教师 news and research at UMKC. This specific issue highlighted stories that included sustainable urban agriculture, 去除饮用水中的化学物质, technology enhancements for work zone safety and limiting glaucoma damage.



UMKC Crescendo is a signature university event that showcases student talent at its renowned Conservatory. The invitation for the event is a representation of the creativity, the passion and the deep artistic connections of the event.

Marketing: Marketing Initiatives (More Than 25 工作人员): Quick to Market 60-Day enrollment push

营销团队, 与世界杯赌场盘口管理合作, gained approval for a plan to market to new geographic areas, market specific degree programs and employ more commercial marketing techniques. 发行3个月后, there was a 10%increase in applications and admits and more than 5,900 qualified leads from new areas alone for the following semester.

写作:新闻/特写(少于1),000 Words): Professors Study the Impact of Sound on Operating Room Safety

The story highlights how a 教师 donation leads to collaboration between professors in the School of Medicine and UMKC Conservatory to yield safer surgeries.

发布: 荣誉及奖励
